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Background and Music of Celine Dion

Background and Music of Celine DionCeline Dion was born Celine Marie Claudette Dion on March 30th, 1968, to a large and poor family in Charlemagne, Quebec. She became the most active in the public signing realm in the year 1980 as a French-speaking teen star after her future husband and manager put his home on mortgage in order to finance her first record. She then was able to establish herself as a popular and viable pop artist in English-speaking areas and in North America.

Besides being a singer, she is considered to be an actress, entrepreneur, and songwriter. Her music was influenced by several genres from R&B to rock to classical to gospel. However, she is most known for her powerful vocals and technical skills. She also possesses what is called a five-octave range of vocals and is often considered to be one the most influential voices in pop music.

Dion holds several records. She is the all time best-selling Canadian artist and the second best-selling female artist in the United States behind Mariah Carey in the Nielsen SoundScan era. Also, she has the best-selling French album of all time.

But then in 2004, she surpassed selling 175 million albums. Therefore, at the World Music Awards, she was given the Chopard Diamond Award for being the all-time best-selling female artist. In fact, worldwide, she has sold over 200 million albums, according to Sony Music.

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