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Beginner's Guide to the Janet Jackson Weight Loss Plan

Beginner's Guide to the Janet Jackson Weight Loss PlanWe all know who Janet Jackson is. Aside from her breathtaking voice, she is also popular for her great body and even better diet regimen. The Janet Jackson diet plan has attracted so much attention after the actress evidently lost 60 lbs in four months by following a strict weight-loss regimen that mainly consisted of cutting down on calorie intake and working out to burn body fats and tone her muscles. The plan gained so much following that it was even named after the singer/actress.

Cutting down on the calories

For four months, Janet Jackson followed a strict diet regimen that was prepared by her nutritionist David Allen. The diet basically includes cutting down on her calorie-intake.

Following the Janet Jackson Weight-loss Plan allows you to eat four to five times a day provided that the food intake is in small amounts and the total calorie-intake should amount to about 1,500 calories (or depending on how much energy you need for the day). Eating in small amounts several times within the day helps you curb the desire to binge or overeat which is what we tend to do when we're hungry. This would also help you maintain the energy that you need to get through all your tasks for the day.

Planning your meals is a must to make sure that you only eat just enough for you to get through the day's tasks effectively. Just like in other diet plans, you need to remember to eat a balanced diet which contains all the necessary nutrients that the body uses.

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