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Find Out What Colour of Hunter Wellingtons the Celebrities Wear

Find Out What Colour of Hunter Wellingtons the Celebrities WearThe Hunter Story is a symbol of British country life that has gone global, with fans from Windsor Park to Park Avenue. They are green, original and unmistakable.

Hunters are the preferred Welly brand from the Royal Family to fashion icons like Kate Moss and have now become a fashion statement on both sides of the pond, worn with edgy flair by the summer festival crowd or the slippery streets of Manhattan in the winter.

Hunter has escaped the English countryside and is conquering the world by great force. One of the reasons for this Trans Atlantic success is the list of Hollywood names snapping up this very British brand.

Here you will find the answers to which celebrity is wearing Hunters? What style and colour of Wellies do they where? Unfortunately we won't be able to list every single one, as there are just too many famous names to list in this little article but we have compiled a list of the most frequently names asked about below.

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