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Megan Fox is Sexier Than Angelina Jolie

Megan Fox is Sexier Than Angelina Jolie
Megan Fox is Sexier Than Angelina Jolie

Megan Fox is Sexier Than Angelina JolieMegan Fox just may be the sexiest woman in Hollywood. I'm not just saying this because she has an outstanding body or amazing looks. I believe that she has an attractive "vibe" about her as well. Let's compare her to Angelina Jolie...

Megan Fox is Sexier Than Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie takes herself way too seriously! I have pointed this out to many of my female friends and they tell me that "I'm afraid of a powerful woman". This isn't true at all. Men just like a woman with a good positive vibe about her. Angelina doesn't have that cheerful aura about her. Megan seems like she would be a lot more fun to hang out with.

Is It Because Megan Fox is Younger?

Age really doesn't have anything to do with it. Megan is in her early 20's and Angelina is in her early 30's. This is a 10 year age difference, but it is not why men are more drawn to Fox. There is something to be said about the positive energy of youth, but even when Angelina was younger she seemed to take herself too seriously. More than anything she needs to smile a bit more.

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