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The Beauty of Celine Dion's Music and Events

The Beauty of Celine Dion's Music and EventsCeline Dion, without a doubt one of the best Pop-music singer and composer of our time was born in 1968 Quebec, Canada. Her career as a singer began in this country and was financed at first by her home equity, but it wasn't until the early 90's when her terrific work started to get noticed and gain fame worldwide. An interesting fact you may not know is that the very first song she ever sang was composed by her parents.

In 1993 her remake-single "The Power of Love" landed her great work in the Top 5 records in USA, Canada, UK and France, in fact it reached number one in Canada and the US. "The Power of Love" was a song first interpreted by Jennifer Rush in 1885 and each time it was launched people loved to hear the beautiful lyrics and classic rhythm which best describes the 80's. Some people remember this song as "I'm your lady and you are my man" because of its lyrics but however this great single is remembered those of use who have purchased the record can tell that the song is just fantastic and never gets old.

In 1995 she does it again but this time in French with the beautiful single "Pour que tu m'aimes encore" which means "So That You'll Love Me Again" in English. The events organized in France to promote this song landed her work as the number one best selling single in France during that year and number seven in the UK.

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